(in Oxford Uni)

Your College may be able to help in a number of ways, for example:
if you are living in college, they can help ensure that you don't need to live near or share facilities with the perpetrator.
they can work with your tutors to make sure that you’re not overwhelmed with work, such as by allowing deadline extensions.
welfare officers may be able to accompany you to places like the GUM clinic, Solace SARC, police station, or meetings with other staff in the college.
Below are some people within your college whom you may be able to reach out to. However, systems and roles vary from college to college. For further information about whom to reach out to and what your college can do to help, visit your college's official website.
Note: our campaign stands strongly against the use of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) / gagging clauses that prevent student survivors from speaking out about their experiences. If you are concerned that you or someone you know has been subjected to such a clause, click here to visit Can't Buy My Silence's guide on NDAs and how to recognise them. You can contact our campaign for further support.