​24/7 Support Line
"If something sexual happened to you without your consent – or you're not sure – you can talk to us. No matter when it happened."
A free phone and online chat service for anyone aged 16+ in England and Wales who has been affected by rape, child sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment or any other form of sexual violence.
Call free on 0808 500 2222 (open 24/7)
Or use their online chat.
24/7, free of charge and confidential.
(For Scotland, visit the Rape Crisis Scotland website or call 08088 010302 after 5 pm.)
A hotline providing emotional support to anyone in distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide throughout Great Britain and Ireland.
Call 116 123
Email jo@samaritans.org
See their website for webchat
24/7, free of charge and confidential.
A texting hotline providing support on a range of issues, including depression, anxiety, panic attacks, self-harm, abuse, relationship problems and suicidal thoughts.​ Available in the UK only.
Text 85258
24/7, free of charge and confidential.
Safe Haven Oxford
Short-term additional support out-of-hours for people (aged 18+) in Oxfordshire who are experiencing a mental health crisis.
Fills the gap between Samaritans and A&E.
Call 01865 903037 (5pm - 9pm)
Also available in Banbury
Call 01295 270004 (5pm - 9pm)
Run by Mind UK.
OSARCC (Oxfordshire Sexual Abuse and Rape Crisis Centre) supports survivors of sexual violence in Oxfordshire (including students) who are women (including trans women) or AFAB.
OSARCC offers:
an anonymous listening service
phone, call 0800 783 6294
text 07537 432 442
email support@osarcc.org.uk
visit their website for more info
support groups (wait time: months)
counselling (wait time: 1 year)
Free of charge and confidential.
Lifecentre UK
A registered charity describing themselves as "a small team of qualified counsellors who provide support and therapy for people who have had an unwanted sexual experience."
They are based in Sussex but can provide:​
counselling via Zoom or over the phone (click here)
counselling over weekly email (click here)
in-person counselling in Chichester, Worthing or Crawley (click here)
a support helpline, such as during flashbacks: call 0808 802 0808 (free, does not show on bill) or text 07717 989 022 (standard network cost)
They also provide:
counselling for friends and family of survivors.
counselling, helplines and play therapy for survivors under 18.
Supports people affected by sexual violence.
They are based in Warwickshire, but provide:
Support for adults across England and Wales who experienced childhood sexual abuse (CSA), including telephone and online counselling.
​For more information, click here.
To apply
call 0192 640 2498, or
National Male Survivor Helpline, inclusive of cisgender (cis), transgender (trans) and non-binary identities.
​Language interpreter available
Call 0808 800 5005
Text 0786 006 5187
Email support@safeline.org.uk.
Online chat (click here)
Victims First
Supports people in Oxfordshire, Berkshire, and Buckinghamshire who have been affected by crime.
Many people who contact Victims First have been referred there by police, but Victims First can provide help regardless of whether or not the crime has been reported.
They provide specialised counselling for survivors, online or in-person.
Free of charge and confidential.
Survivors UK
Supports men, boys and non-binary people who have experienced sexual abuse at any time in their lives.
They offer:
The National Male Survivors Helpline
​text 020 3322 1860
use their webchat
A database of male-focused sexual violence support services here
In London, they also offer:
Support groups
Individual counselling
call 0203 598 3898, email info@survivorsuk.org or complete their online referral form
Survivors' Self Help Guide
The Survivors' Network is the Sussex Rape Crisis Centre for Sussex. They have published excellent self-help guides available to all, free of charge, including:
For survivors of sexual violence, who want to understand and process their own personal reactions to their experience.
​For supporters, including professionals, parents, friends or partners supporting survivors.
For men and boys who have survived sexual violence.
Available to download in multiple languages and in an easy-read version.
OSHS Psychosexual Therapy
The Oxfordshire Sexual Health Service (OSHS) offers psychosexual therapy for all genders and sexualities, including after sexual violence.
"Some people experience difficulties with sex which can be difficult to talk about. We provide a talking therapy service which can help with a variety of sexual problems.
For example:
Painful sex and/or difficulty with penetration, including fears and anxiety about intercourse
Premature ejaculation
Delayed or absent ejaculation
Erectile dysfunction
Loss of libido (sex drive)
Difficulty getting aroused and/or reaching orgasm
Problems with sex due to other illness or medications"
To get an appointment for an assessment and access therapy, you will first need a referral from either a GP or a practice nurse at an OSHS clinic (e.g. Churchill Hospital Sexual Health Centre).
Counselling Directory
The Counselling Directory allows you to search for qualified counsellors in the UK by location and preferred mode (online/phone or in-person).​
BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy) has a directory and register of qualified counsellors and psychotherapists.
You can search by location and the practitioner's name.​
CCI Self Help Guides
Self-help resources for a range of topics, including assertiveness, appearance concerns, health anxiety, perfectionism, tolerating distress, and more.
University Counselling Service
Qualified counsellors providing individual or group counselling to students.
They offer:
cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
psychodynamic counselling
referrals to specialist services including EMT and hypnotherapy.
Counsellors are qualified, such as by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), British Psychological Society (BPS), Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and/or United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP).
Email counselling@admin.ox.ac.uk to complete the pre-appointment form and join the waiting list.
This is not an emergency service.
Free of charge and confidential.
Solace SARC
Solace SARC (sexual assault referral centre) is a service in Bicester and Slough that provides specialised services for survivors.
They are the only service in Oxfordshire able to provide forensic medical examinations (FMEs) (see our FAQs).
They also provide specialised counselling for survivors (recent and historic, all genders) and their friends and family.
Call 0800 970 9952
Free of charge and confidential.
Galop is a national charity for LGBTQ+ victims of domestic violence, sexual violence and other abuse.
They offer:
LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Survivors Forum: access here
National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline: call 0800 9995428, email help@galop.org.uk, webchat and chatbot
Switchboard Helpline
Practical and emotional support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT+) people on a range of issues, including relationship issues, family problems, issues at work or college, safer sex and sexual health.
Services are delivered by trained LGBT staff, and support LGBT+ people, friends and family.
Call 0300 330 0630
Open 10:00-22:00 every day​
Email chris@switchboard.lgbt
Emails are typically replied to within 72 hours
Visit the website for webchat option
MindOut Online Live Chat
Provides an Online Support Live Chat specifically for members of the LGBTQ community. It offers:
emotional and listening support without judgement and unwanted advice or opinions
information and signposting in the right direction
help you to think about ways to stay safe and develop coping strategies
general conversation about whatever is on your mind
space to talk through choices and decisions
space to reflect and to problem solve
contact with LGBTQ people to help you feel less alone or isolated
an opportunity to share opinions and talk about issues and events that are important to you
They also offer themed sessions, including for people who have experienced Domestic Abuse.
They are based in Brighton, but their Online Support Live Chat is available internationally.
Click here to access the support live chat.
Open most days.​
Check the website for up-to-date hours.
Free of charge, confidential, anonymous.
A registered charity dedicated to raising awareness of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (including complex PTSD).
They have useful information pages on symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
Talking Space
A collaboration between NHS and Mind UK. An IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) service supporting people with anxiety, depression and PTSD.​
Talking Space Plus offers:
guided self-help/CBT (over the phone, up to six 30-minute sessions spaced two weeks apart)
support groups
Currently, all services are online/digital.
Fill out their self-referral form here.
Available across England. Find your nearest IAPT using the NHS locator tool.
Free-of-charge and confidential.
Mind UK
A registered UK charity that provides information about mental health conditions (the "mental health A-Z" page), including PTSD, and services, including online peer support, local Mind services, helplines and legal support.
Contact the Mind UK Infoline to ask about mental health, where to get help near you, treatment options and advocacy services.
Call 0300 123 3393
Email info@mind.org.uk
Contact the Mind UK Legal Line to ask about being detained under the Mental Health Act (sectioning), mental capacity, community care, and discrimination and equality.
Call 0300 466 6463
Email legal@mind.org.uk
EMDR Association UK
The professional regulatory body for EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) clinicians and researchers in the UK.
They provide information about what EMDR is and how it can help with conditions like PTSD (click here).
They also have a locator service to find accredited EMDR therapists in the UK (click here).
Provides CBT self help and therapy resources, including worksheets and information sheets, plus videos and self help mp3s.
HAVOCA Survivor Forum
HACOVA (Help for Adult Victims of Child Abuse) is run by and for adult survivors of childhood abuse.
They offer a Survivor Forum, blog and signposting to support groups and organisations across the UK and the world..
NAPAC (National Association for People Abused in Childhood) offers support to adult survivors of all types of childhood abuse, including physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect.
They offer:
a series of booklets for survivors and their supporters (click here)
a support line (see below)
Call 0808 801 0331
Open Monday to Friday.
Free of charge and confidential.
Email support@napac.org.uk
Or use their online form (click here)
Support for Survivors
A Nottingham-based charity for adult survivors of childhood abuse, be it sexual, physical, incest abuse, rape or neglect.
Inclusive to all, including male, female, LGBT+, BAMER survivors, those with physical or learning disabilities, and those who were abused within the Church.
They offer face-to-face services across the East Midlands, including one-to-one, group and drop-in support.
Call 0115 962 2722
Email hello@supportforsurvivors.org
Mental Health
(College + University + Oxford + UK)
includes hotlines, counselling, anonymous listening services, support groups, online communities, self-help and more.