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Get your college or society to raise funding for OSARCC and tag @ithappenshereoxford
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Share your story
to @survivingoxford or Letters from Survivors
We have 8 open positions on our committee! Learn more.
Attend or volunteer for the Safe Spaces project
Push through a JCR/MCR motion or become a college rep
Let Oxford council know of any issues you have

Making Change
More ways to be involved with IHH and impact change within Oxford.
Making Change in your JCR
JCR Motions
We have a number of JCR motions that we encourage our College Reps or anyone who wants to make positive change to submit:
Getting JCR reimbursements for anti-spiking measures
Implementing a policy by which your college can reimburse you for a taxi ordered home from a night out
Implementing “Ask for Angela” in your College Bar
Mandating a member of the JCR or College Staff to put up informational posters in relevant areas in your college
Encouraging your college to adopt a ban on staff-student relationships
If your JCR has a particularly good motion, policy or practice, we’d love to hear about it! Please send any motions or ideas to the page or to our College Reps Officer, Emilia Campos Bedingfield.
Making Change with your college
College Policies
Check if your College is running the “Safe Lodge” scheme and, if not, encourage them to adopt it by getting in touch with your Head Porter.
Write to your Head of House (Warden, Dean, President etc.) and ask them to implement a change in their harassment policy, banning relationships between staff and students they have authority over.
Share our poster of resources to your JCR, detailing IHH’s work and support.
Ensure your Women’s and Welfare Reps know about It Happens Here and the relevant services offered by the University on sexual violence support.
Making Change with your society or sports team
Society and Teams
Adopt IHH’s suggested harassment procedure and code of conduct for your sports team.
Request SU consent training, bystander intervention training or OSARCC consent training for members of your sports team or student society
Introduce a Welfare Officer and/or a Women’s Officer into your sports team or student society, who can be informed of University procedures and resources on sexual violence and can act as a confidential source of signposting
Establish a system by which anonymous complaints can be made to the President or other members of the committee, which they then have a duty to investigate
Making Change in Oxford
Report & Volunteer
Complaints or comments can be made to the City Council via this form:
For street lighting in particular, you can use this form.
Anneliese Dodds is the MP for Oxford East, and can be contacted here.
She can also advocate or lobby your behalf within a college
Shaista Aziz is a Labour Councillor who IHH has worked with in the past, and can be contacted here.
Volunteer with OSARCC, the Oxfordshire Sexual Abuse and Rape Crisis Centre.
Making Change with your own events
If you have an idea for a welfare, feminist, discussion or fundraising event, we’d love to hear about it or support it!
Some ideas can include
A film screening
A discussion-based event
Activism against street harassment
Organising a protest
A welfare or support group, or self-care space
A speaker event related to sexual violence, trauma or activism
An unrelated event that fundraises for a sexual-violence related cause
Making Change through donations
There are a number of worthwhile charities you can donate to or fundraise for, whether internationally, nationally or locally.
OSARCC, the Oxfordshire Sexual Abuse and Rape Crisis Centre
Our Streets Now, an organisation campaigning against public sexual harassment
Rape Crisis England and Wales, the umbrella body supporting Rape Crisis centres in the UK
The Survivors Trust, one of the biggest sexual abuse organisations in the UK
Survivors UK, an organisation focusing on male survivors of sexual violence
You can also encourage your JCR Charities Rep or JCR to donate to these causes, or a cause focused on supporting survivors
It Happens Here Friends
Oxford organisations that share the characteristics of It Happens Here.

Oxfordshire Sexual Abuse & Rape Crisis Centre
Student-run advocacy and support group for survivors of sexual violence in Oxford.
An intersectional campaign that works for feminist justice through protest, discussion groups, and social events.
A supportive community for debating and campaigning for equality and empowerment for all.